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BtoB: You know, it is fascinating. I believe that there is definitely a huge push for more "real" an

The "real" models are still symmetrical, captivating and shot with studio quality lighting and those who understand what they're doing.

BtoB: Nudity is such a weird component. Because on one hand it's such a simple, easy theory - I mean, hello, we're all born naked - and it is also so polarizing and taboo. I think that within the realm of nudity, individuals are perhaps even pickier about making sure things look perfect. No one needs to acknowledge their breasts sag a little or that they have a weird hair on their belly.

But if it is something that's usually covered by clothes and then disclosed just to your partner, it's an alternate type of feeling behind it, I assume. I undoubtedly used to agonize over how I looked while nude, so I can certainly relate.

That is an extremely interesting point, the disclosure, from clothed to nude is commonly more "titillating" than the nudity itself. It is the tension there.

BtoB: Definitely.I've read interviews from those who have done life modeling for schools and they always remark about how the strangest and most "revealing" part is the moment when they take off their robe and get nude for the very first time in front of a group.

The grand unveiling of the sort. Once they have been naked for a while, it's not such a big deal.

This job certainly enables you to perceive your body in an alternate perspective than maybe you did prior to this. What was your relationship with your bodyand can you speak to any changes you have experienced over the past few months?

BtoB: I 've had a lot of distinct relationships with my body. When I was a kid, I didn't detect it, it simply was what it was, and then as a teen I despised it. I was never skinny enough, quite enough, and so forth. The typical adolescent dilemma. As I got older, some of those things started slipping away and some of them held on longer than others.

I still have issues here and there, but it is really uncommon. But actually, aside from being a giant, net-pat-on-the-head, I feel essentially the same now in regards to my body as I did before I began the project.

Fair enough! Maybe you have experienced societal nudity, or being nude in front of others, or merely on the internet?

BtoB: Yeah, I've been nude in front of folks before. I have been to a few nude beaches, and that was always interesting. Interesting, I figure in that there was nothing strange or astonishing about it for me. It was like, "Oh cool, I will not get tan lines. There's click over there staring at my behind. Whatever, I 've a nice butt."

I appreciate your self-confidence and your matter of fact view. That comes across on your website. have chosen to stay anonymous, which as you point on your web site, is less about divulging your identity and more about letting women to connect with you. Can you talk more about that?

BtoB: Yeah, that's been an interesting decision. I mean, I began it anonymously with no intent of demonstrating my identity. Of wasn't incredibly careful about it because I figured I'd have only a handful of people paying attention to me.

Once I started receiving recognition I started panicking like, "What if someone finds out who I am?! What would occur? That is not likely 2. it wouldn't matter anyway and 3. being anonymous is truly a truly amazing way to enable people to connect to me.

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